Tuesday, June 15, 2010

The Conclusion

As I read through my blogs I noticed that they started to decrease in length as months and months went by. I use a lot of short sentences in my writing along with repeating ‘because’ and ‘but.’ I also have a habit of using to many pronoun in my writing. My writing style still needs to develop and I can do this by using a thesaurus. I think my best blogs were the extra credit ones because they were more interesting topics. They weren’t about what we were doing in class that week. My blogs obviously show that I understand what’s going on in class. They have a thorough explanation even though they may be short. The meaning of my blogs all have a theme of children just because of the way I word things. I feel that I must work on writing at a more higher level. The picture of children symbolizes this. Even some of my blogs have to do with childhood such as the Disneyland blog or the one about when I was in fifth grade. I need to break free from writing like a middle schooler because I am in high school now. This lyric from Lifehouse is an example of maturing like I need to do in my writing, “The world I see inside you waiting to come alive.”

Friday, May 21, 2010

Essay Writing

My writing has improved greatly since the beginning of the year. overall I am not a strong writer, but Honors English has progressed my skills. I still have a lot of room for improvement. I have a better understanding of how to write a thesis and that a thesis is meant to prove something. Challenges can be writing to much concrete detail.

I know I have a couple mistakes throughout my essay once I looked over the common errors page in class. I will be sure to keep those papers forever as I will continue to write essays throughout high school. I must imbead my quotes and be sure that I have not used to much concrete detail instead of commentary. I need to improve my analyzation skills.

Friday, May 14, 2010

Summer Reading

This summer I am going to read Twilight by Stephanie Meyer. I read this book a while ago and loved it! Once you start reading you can' t stop. Another great book I will be reading is Bram Stokers Dracula. I read this over the summer and fell in love with it. Ironically these are both vampire books.

Friday, May 7, 2010


I feel like I agree more with what Mercutio has to say about dreams. He doesn't think they have a significant meaning. Not all the dreams I dream actually happen in real life. I don't feel like I get a premonition from my dream because that is like a sixth sense which is basically impossible to have.

I have had a dream about failing a test over and over. But come to find out I passed that science test in the 5th grade I was stressing about. I feel like the dreams I dream have a lot to do about what I though of the night before and that I am only processing what I think or feel.

Friday, April 30, 2010

Romeo and Juliet

I am a fan of The Killers. They have a song called Romeo and Juliet. Its about how teo people love each other, just like it is in the play. The song is very cute and i like it. It comes from their album Sawdust and here's a link to it:

Sunday, April 11, 2010

English Reflection: Extra Credit =)

Honors English is basically the coolest class ever. We've had parties, competitions, debates, and acting. I'm always excited to see what interesting assignment is coming our way. My favorite assignment was at the beginning of the year when we read a book of our choice and made a graphic organizer. I love including art projects in school because then i get to be creative. It's a much more fun way to explain something than typing out a big paragraph. I also had a lot of fun with our skit. Michaela made me laugh so hard and I was already thinking about what props to bring in. Our beer mugs and file turned out great. A pie party was a genius idea! I mentioned how excited I was for it in science with Lindsey. I was so full afterwards but it was really good. I really like how we have mini group discussions with only three people because it is easier to talk. I also like when I see orange paper because I know an art project is coming our way. So far Honors English has been a great class!

Friday, March 26, 2010


I would like to see the scene where Pip steals the pork pie. He takes the pork pie to the convict he found in the marshes.
Another scene I want to see is when Pip first goes to Mrs. Havishams house. This is where he first sees Estella and thinks she's beautiful.
The last scene I want to see acted out is when Joe comes to visit Pip. This is when Pip is ashamed of Joe because of their social doferences. They are in a room together talking and Pip is still embarassed.

Friday, March 19, 2010

Question 2

"Of course it would be a great relief to me to ask you several questions, sir; but I remember your prohibition." In chapter 36 Pip and Mr. Jaggers were talking. Pip said something about Mr. Jaggers having a prohibition. What is his prohibition? I was confused...

Friday, March 12, 2010

Question About a Passage

In chapter 26 on page 218 Pip recieves a letter from Biddy stating that Joe will be visiting him. "I had beun to be always decorating the chambersin some quite unnecessary and innapropriate way or other, and very expensive those wrestles with Bernardproved to be." My question is: why is Pip decorating the room up for Joe?

Friday, March 5, 2010

Great Expectations: Photo Post

As I read the readings for this week, Chapter 22 grabbed my attention. Pip is discussing with Herbert Pocket about Estella. Pip soon finds out that Estella is adopted by Mrs. Havisham. Pip really likes Estella. He misses her a great amount. Therefore, I chose a picture of a heart to sympolize Pip's love for Estella.

Friday, February 26, 2010

Great Excpectations

This quote reffers to how Pip changed after he went to Mrs. Havisham's house. In this chapter we start to see Pip's characteristics grow. He realized that he was a lower class than Estella. Estella made him feel bad becasue Pip is a sensitive boy. Estella has a hold over Pip because Pip likes her. I beleive this quote shows Pip maturing and he is remanicing on his past memories such as when he lied to Joe.

When my cousin died of cancer, this was a life changing day for me. He was still a teen when he was diagnosed. Whenever I think I can't do something I think about what my cousin had to go through and I say to myself "yes I can". My cousin always had a positive attitude. If he went through that with a positive attitude then I can do anything with a positive attitude.

Sunday, February 14, 2010

Importance of Being Earnest Paragraph

In our group we divided up the essay into the three levels of dishonesty; high, medium, and low. My part of the essay is the lower level of dishonesty. Some of the examples I was thinking of using were the cucumber sandwich joke, Cecily lieing about Miss. Prisms headache, and Jack lieing about his house in Shropshire. Do you guys think these are low level lies? If not, any other ideas? My commentary will pertain to the thesis about how lies can affect everyone. I will also talk about how the loer level lies can turn ito a higher level lie.

Friday, January 29, 2010

Victorian Research

The Victorian Reseach helped me to get a better understanding of the play The Importance of being Earnest. Many things have changed from way back when to now. Alot more behavioral choices are excepted nowadays. The expectation of men and women have changed as well. Marriage and love were the main topics I was interested in as I was researching.

Marriage was a like a buisness. A young girl gets married to a much older man who has money. Then they have children while the wife is still young. Once the daughter is set off for the rich man to come and take care of her, this puts the family into a higher social standing. Marriage wasn't about love. Nowadays marriage is about love and people are free to marry whom they chose. Lady Bracknell is a selfish mom who only wants Cecily to marry a rich man so that the family can be at a higher social level. I also have a better understanding that at a tea party husbands and wifes are split to different tabes. this is so they can mingle with the company around them. It was considered improper to sit together and flirt with your spouse. The people would flirt with each other while they mingled even though they were married. Jack didn;t want to go to the tea party because of this reason. Tea parties aren't popular today, but flirting with other people while being married is unexceptable.

Monday, January 4, 2010

Extra Credit 2010

This New Year's I want to focus on becoming organized. I try hard to use my binder and neatly put my papers in there but sometimes
I just shove them in. Luckily I don't have missing assignments or loose papers. Along with getting organized I want to not wait unto the last minute to finish home work or study. These are realted goals that can fit in the same category. If I suceed with these goals I will become an even better student.
To acheive these goals I will use my binder. I will keep all my papers and use my assignment calendar. As soon as I get home I will do my home work and study for about ten minutes in each subject along with doing my homework. As soon as I am done with my homework I will check off my assignments in my calendar. If a big project is coming up I will start it sooner than I would have done in the past. I will work on it throughout a period of time rather than at the last minute.