Friday, February 26, 2010

Great Excpectations

This quote reffers to how Pip changed after he went to Mrs. Havisham's house. In this chapter we start to see Pip's characteristics grow. He realized that he was a lower class than Estella. Estella made him feel bad becasue Pip is a sensitive boy. Estella has a hold over Pip because Pip likes her. I beleive this quote shows Pip maturing and he is remanicing on his past memories such as when he lied to Joe.

When my cousin died of cancer, this was a life changing day for me. He was still a teen when he was diagnosed. Whenever I think I can't do something I think about what my cousin had to go through and I say to myself "yes I can". My cousin always had a positive attitude. If he went through that with a positive attitude then I can do anything with a positive attitude.

Sunday, February 14, 2010

Importance of Being Earnest Paragraph

In our group we divided up the essay into the three levels of dishonesty; high, medium, and low. My part of the essay is the lower level of dishonesty. Some of the examples I was thinking of using were the cucumber sandwich joke, Cecily lieing about Miss. Prisms headache, and Jack lieing about his house in Shropshire. Do you guys think these are low level lies? If not, any other ideas? My commentary will pertain to the thesis about how lies can affect everyone. I will also talk about how the loer level lies can turn ito a higher level lie.