Friday, January 29, 2010

Victorian Research

The Victorian Reseach helped me to get a better understanding of the play The Importance of being Earnest. Many things have changed from way back when to now. Alot more behavioral choices are excepted nowadays. The expectation of men and women have changed as well. Marriage and love were the main topics I was interested in as I was researching.

Marriage was a like a buisness. A young girl gets married to a much older man who has money. Then they have children while the wife is still young. Once the daughter is set off for the rich man to come and take care of her, this puts the family into a higher social standing. Marriage wasn't about love. Nowadays marriage is about love and people are free to marry whom they chose. Lady Bracknell is a selfish mom who only wants Cecily to marry a rich man so that the family can be at a higher social level. I also have a better understanding that at a tea party husbands and wifes are split to different tabes. this is so they can mingle with the company around them. It was considered improper to sit together and flirt with your spouse. The people would flirt with each other while they mingled even though they were married. Jack didn;t want to go to the tea party because of this reason. Tea parties aren't popular today, but flirting with other people while being married is unexceptable.

Monday, January 4, 2010

Extra Credit 2010

This New Year's I want to focus on becoming organized. I try hard to use my binder and neatly put my papers in there but sometimes
I just shove them in. Luckily I don't have missing assignments or loose papers. Along with getting organized I want to not wait unto the last minute to finish home work or study. These are realted goals that can fit in the same category. If I suceed with these goals I will become an even better student.
To acheive these goals I will use my binder. I will keep all my papers and use my assignment calendar. As soon as I get home I will do my home work and study for about ten minutes in each subject along with doing my homework. As soon as I am done with my homework I will check off my assignments in my calendar. If a big project is coming up I will start it sooner than I would have done in the past. I will work on it throughout a period of time rather than at the last minute.